Monday, June 14, 2010

What the what?

So, I have been a major blog slacker.  Not that anyone is hanging on my every word, but life has been happening and I just haven't marked out the time to write anything. 

Little Cole has been growing a little more every day.  I believe he is on the verge of soon as he figures out how to life up his chubby little knees from the ground he will be unstoppable.  Aiden has been "practicing" for school.  Since he is obsessed with the Wii and wants to play every minute of every day, I make him do school work before he gets to play.  I suppose that's one way to get one excited about really is a means to an end!

I got some bad news on the family front, though I have been sworn to secrecy.  Let's just say I am really hoping that love prevails and that the sun continues to shine.

That's all I have for now, but will post some more foody type things later.

OH!  I joined in a weight loss competition with one of my favorite podcasts: We're Mean Because You're Stupid.  I'm not planning on winning - but the competitive bit is good for the progress.  I have been doing the boot camp at the park on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I am also trying to walk at least an hour every other day.  I have been journaling my calorie intake and realized that I do not eat nearly enough throughout the day for all that hard work to mean anything, so that needs to be amended toot-sweet!!  At least I know and can hopefully work it out!!

I also have to start looking into working again.  Since Aiden is starting school the end of next month, little Cole will have to go to day care and the momma back to the grindstone.  Keep your fingers crossed that I will find something amazing.  Until then I will snuggle my babies and continue to enjoy them in and out of the pool!

1 comment:

Amy McCollam said...

I hope everything is okay on the family front!!